Life on the high seas

Life on the high seas

Much has been written about the Spice Islands and the sailors that spent many centuries at sea trading these exotic commodities. There were fierce battles, pirates, tough conditions and ongoing power plays. In its day it was the world’s biggest industry, and this part of history shaped the future of many nations around the globe. As such I have come prepared for a serious adventure on the high seas: I have left the suede loafers behind, have starched my collection of nautical linens, and packed only a handful of accessories! Ahoy sailor! 

The Sumatran having an identity crisis

The Sumatran having an identity crisis

‘Aaaaaaaariba arriba’ is screeched by Rizal our snorkelling guide as we return to Tiger Blue, ‘Aloha’ as we board, and ‘Terimakasi’ (thank you in Indonesian) as we head back to our cabins. Onboard Rizal goes by the name of Escobar, is convinced he is from Caracas albeit born in Sumatra, looks like an Indonesian James Brown, and has the power to make the entire crew and guests to burst into laughter at any time. Identity crisis aside he is immediately a crowd favourite. 

I've hit the road

I've hit the road

Arriving late at night into the airport of Jogjakarta it is easy to feel like you’ve stepped back in time. This airport was never intended to be serviced by commercial aircraft, rather it is operated and used by the Indonesian military… and it shows. Walking across the tarmac you enter a terminal that is dimly lit, with off white (almost pale green) walls, fluorescent lighting, decorations from the 80s, and a charming sense of chaos. The single room arrivals hall is swarming with people around a single baggage belt. It's muggy, there are a few money exchange vendors touting for business at the sides of the halls, and the overall people watching is entertaining to say the least. There is no doubt I have arrived in Asia and am now on the road!